A well-organized project structure will ensure

  1. Reproducibility - The results of your project should be retrievable
  2. Readability - The project report must be easy for decision makers to interpret
  3. Consistency - The structure should not have surprise elements that do not make coherent sense when they come together
  4. Easy collaboration - Multiple team members will be able to collaborate effectively together if a fixed design for the structure is decided on before starting the project

To help you with having such a structure while taking part in the Datathon, here are a few links. You could choose whichever seems most comfortable and aligned with your goals.

How To Organize Your Project: Best Practices for Open Reproducible Science

Cookiecutter Data Science

How to Start a Data Science Project in Python - GoDataDriven

No matter what structure you choose, keep the following points in your mind

  1. Do not mutate raw data; always only modify duplicate copies
  2. Run Jupyter notebooks from top to bottom before submitting to ensure that all cells run without errors
  3. Use comments where necessary to help evaluators understand the purpose of your code
  4. Write docstrings for user-defined functions to help establish their usage
  5. Maintain separate notebooks for each phase of the data science process as this will help maintain shorter notebooks, thus reducing the risk of passing on erroneous code
  6. Use relative paths to files in your project structure
  7. Use a version control system such as Git in order to keep track of all work being performed