This page houses a list of some of the most popular data science methodologies used in the industry or academia to do efficient data science. You could use any of these to streamline your submission for the Datathon 🙂

What is the Team Data Science Process?

KDD Process in Data Mining - GeeksforGeeks

CRISP-DM: A framework for Data Mining & Analysis

Data Science Project Methodology

Why we need a methodology for data science

5 Steps to a Data Science Project Lifecycle - LEAD

If you are an absolute beginner who is not looking to make a submission for the Datathon, but just looking for a very simple framework to have fun with a dataset, I have a recommendation for you. You could try the 3-step framework that I have named CPA (Collect. Play. Action).

  1. Collect : Refers to the step of acquiring a dataset.
  2. Play : Refers to the step of exploring your dataset with the help of visualizations; data cleaning is included in this step. Basically, do "anything and everything" till you get substantial insights of your data.
  3. Action : Could be anything! Based on what you want to do - Just analyze? Deploy a model?